Have you ever wanted to try something you’ve never done before?
Did you go ahead and try it, or did you talk yourself out of it?
If you talked yourself out of it, I’m guessing you doubted yourself. You had a thought like “I don’t think I can do that.”
And, if you’re like most of us, you’re likely to interpret that thought as a message that says: Stop. Don’t bother. This won’t work.
Today we’re going to talk about what your doubts really mean and what you should do when you feel them.
Most of you have experienced doubt.
• It would be hard to find an adult who has never felt doubt before.
• We have doubts about different things and for different reasons.
• Someone could have no doubts about bungee jumping off a bridge, but lots of doubts about public speaking.
• But let’s put bungee jumping aside for now.
• Because I’d like to talk with you specifically about the doubts you might have about your eating and weight-loss goals.
It would be unnatural to not have self-doubt, at least sometimes.
And once again, you can thank your brain, which of course has the best of intentions.
• Your brain is wired to keep you safe.
• Doubts about your ability to do something new are there to make sure you pay attention. And stay as safe as you can.
• To question whether you should even do that new thing.
So, self-doubt is normal. Doubts about yourself, your abilities, and the outcomes you’re working on. But we don’t want to let self-doubt cause you to stop working on what you really want.
Let’s start by looking at how self-doubt can affect your efforts to stop overeating. And I’ll show you have to work through that doubt so you can reach your goals and become a natural eater.
Visit https://WeightLossMadeReal.com for free resources and to learn about all the ways Cookie can support your goals to end emotional eating, habitual overeating, and lose weight permanently.
The post Episode 309: Having Doubts Doesn’t Mean You Should Give Up appeared first on Real Weight Loss for Real Women.
* This article was originally published here