I have a question for you: Once you’ve decided that you want to lose your extra weight, how often do you think about it?
Well, here’s my guess: all day. From the time you wake up until you go to bed.
In our session today, we’ll be talking about why this is not the way to go. And you’ll learn how to develop healthy, productive thinking that will help you achieve your goals.
As women, we juggle many responsibilities. There are endless things to keep track of and do and managing it all takes a lot of brain power.
So, when you begin your weight-loss journey, you do need to set aside some extra time and energy to work on your goals. That’s to be expected.
But if you start spending most of your day thinking about your weight, and it’s getting in the way of you living your life, you aren’t doing yourself any favors.
That’s why I’m going to teach you how to rein in your thinking, so you’ll have the time, energy, and confidence you need to make real progress on your journey.
Visit https://WeightLossMadeReal.com for free resources and to learn about all the ways Cookie can support your goals to end emotional eating, habitual overeating, and lose weight permanently.
The post Episode 314: Why Thinking About Your Weight All Day Doesn’t Help You Lose It appeared first on Real Weight Loss for Real Women.
* This article was originally published here