Episode 315: How To Say No To Food You Don’t Need And Still Feel Great

Say No To Feed


Why is saying no to food so hard?

There are lots of reasons why you might think it’s impossible to say no even if you’re not feeling hunger:

  • You think you’d need superhuman willpower to say no thanks.
  • You’ve already tried to say “no” on your own.
  • You’ve already tried all those old diets.
  • You’ve had trouble saying “no” to food when you were hungry because the diet you were on said that food wasn’t allowed.
  • You’ve had trouble saying no to food that you weren’t hungry for, but that you wanted.

And there are lots of feelings that lead you to eat when not hungry.

So I understand why you wouldn’t believe me now when I tell you that it is possible to say “no” to food.

Now just to clarify: When you’re hungry, I do want you to say “yes” to eating. But when you aren’t physically hungry, I do want you to say “no” to eating.

You might also be thinking, How is it possible to say “no” to food that looks and smells delicious? And what if it’s my favorite food? Tempting treats—especially when they’re offered to you unexpectedly—can trip you up, no matter how determined you are to stick to your eating plan.

So in today’s session you’ll learn when and how to say “no thanks” to food when your body isn’t ready for it, and stay steady on your journey to becoming a natural eater. And I hope you’ll get excited about what you’ve accomplished, because it’s big! The more excited you get each time you say no thanks, the faster this will become your new, natural behavior. It won’t be hard anymore. Because you’ll be that much closer to becoming a natural eater. And that is your goal, right?

You can do this! I have faith in you.

Visit https://WeightLossMadeReal.com for free resources and to learn about all the ways Cookie can support your goals to end emotional eating, habitual overeating, and lose weight permanently.


The post Episode 315: How To Say No To Food You Don’t Need And Still Feel Great appeared first on Real Weight Loss for Real Women.

* This article was originally published here